If you haven't done so, please register for the PTG! This is how we will be able to provide you with the tooling information and passwords. Register here: <>
The final schedule [1] for the event is set here and in the PTGBot [2].
The main form of synchronous communication between attendees during the PTG is on IRC. If you are not on IRC, learn how to get started here [3]. The main PTG IRC channel is #openstack-ptg on Freenode. It's used to interact with the PTGbot, and Foundation staff will be present to help answer questions.
The PTGbot [3] is an open source tool that PTG track moderators use to surface what's currently happening at the event.
Track moderators will send messages to the bot via IRC, and from that information, the bot publishes a webpage with several sections of information:
- The discussion topics currently discussed in the room ("now")
- An indicative set of discussion topics coming up next ("next")
- The schedule for the day with available extra slots you can book
Learn more about the ptgbot via the documentation here [4].
We are here to help! If you have any questions during the event week, we encourage you to join the #openstack-ptg IRC channel and ask them there. You can ping Kendall Waters (wendallkaters) and Kendall Nelson(diablo_rojo) directly on IRC. We will also have a dedicated Zoom room, but ONLY FOR MONDAY, October 26 where an OSF staff member will be available to answer your event related questions. You can also always reach someone at ptg(a) if you are unable to connect to IRC.
We have preemptively created an etherpad[5] to collect all of your feedback throughout the event. Please add your thoughts as the week goes on.
Since we all know that coming together as a community to hang out and play games is part of what makes the PTG great, we are going to try something new this time around. This PTG, we are going to have two 'game nights'- obviously time zones are hard and it might not be night for everyone, but the times are as follows.
- Thursday, October 29 at 19:00 UTC
- Friday, October 30 at 10:00 UTC
- Friday, October 30 at 23:00 UTC
If you are interested in participating, write your name in the etherpad [6]. We will use it to coordinate games for each of the timeslots.
[1] PTG schedule:… <…>
[2] PTGbot: <>
[3] How to get started on IRC: <>
[4] PTGbot documentation: <>
[5] Feedback Etherpad: <>
[6] Game Time Etherpad: <>
Hey everyone,
The October 2020 Project Teams Gathering is right around the corner! The official schedule has now been posted on the PTG website [1], the PTGbot has been updated[2], and we have also attached it to this email.
Friendly reminder, if you have not already registered, please do so [3]. It is important that we get everyone to register for the event as this is how we will contact you about tooling information/passwords and other event details.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
The Kendalls
(diablo_rojo & wendallkaters)
[1] PTG Website <>
[2] PTGbot: <>
[3] PTG Registration: <>
Hello Everyone!
The forum schedule is now live:
Please let myself or Jimmy McArthur know as soon as possible if you see any
Speakers will be contacted shortly (if not already) with more details about
the event and your sessions.
-Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo)
Hello Everyone!
Wanted to give you all a reminder that the deadline for signing up teams for the PTG is approaching!
The virtual PTG will be held from Monday October 26th to Friday October 30th, 2020.
To signup your team, you must complete BOTH the survey[1] AND reserve time in the ethercalc[2] by September 11th at 7:00 UTC.
We ask that the PTL/SIG Chair/Team lead sign up for time to have their discussions in with 4 rules/guidelines.
1. Cross project discussions (like SIGs or support project teams) should be scheduled towards the start of the week so that any discussions that might shape those of other teams happen first.
2. No team should sign up for more than 4 hours per UTC day to help keep participants actively engaged.
3. No team should sign up for more than 16 hours across all time slots to avoid burning out our contributors and to enable participation in multiple teams discussions.
Once your team is signed up, please register[3]! And remind your team to register! Registration is free, but since it will be how we contact you with passwords, event details, etc. it is still important!
If you have any questions, please let us know.
-The Kendalls (diablo_rojo & wendallkaters)
[1] Team Survey: <>
[2] Ethercalc Signup: <>
[3] PTG Registration: <>
Hello Everyone!
The Virtual Forum is approaching. We would love 1 volunteer from the
community for the Forum Selection Committee. Ideally, the volunteer would
already be serving in some capacity in a governance role for your project.
In addition to calling for volunteers for the Forum selection committee,
this email kicks off the brainstorming period before the CFP tool opens for
formal Forum submissions. The categories for brainstorming etherpads have
already been setup here[1]. Please add your etherpads and ideas there!
The CFP tool will open on August 31st and will close September 14th.
For information on the upcoming virtual Summit[2].
For more information on the Forum[3].
Please reach out to jimmy(a) or knelson(a) if you're
interested. Volunteers should respond on or before August 31, 2020.
Kendall (diablo_rojo)
[1] Virtual Forum 2020 Wiki:
[2] Virtual Open Infra Summit Site:
[3] General Forum Wiki:
As you hopefully already know, our next PTG will be virtual again, and held
from Monday October 26th to Friday October 30th. We will have the same
schedule set up available as last time with three windows of time spread
across the day to cover all timezones with breaks in between.
*To signup your team, you must complete **BOTH** the survey[1] AND reserve
time in the ethercalc[2] by September 11th at 7:00 UTC.*
We ask that the PTL/SIG Chair/Team lead sign up for time to have their
discussions in with 4 rules/guidelines.
1. Cross project discussions (like SIGs or support project teams) should be
scheduled towards the start of the week so that any discussions that might
shape those of other teams happen first.
2. No team should sign up for more than 4 hours per UTC day to help keep
participants actively engaged.
3. No team should sign up for more than 16 hours across all time slots to
avoid burning out our contributors and to enable participation in multiple
teams discussions.
Again, you need to fill out BOTH the ethercalc AND the survey to complete
your team's sign up.
If you have any issues with signing up your team, due to conflict or
otherwise, please let me know! While we are trying to empower you to make
your own decisions as to when you meet and for how long (after all, you
know your needs and teams timezones better than we do), we are here to help!
Once your team is signed up, please register! And remind your team to
register! Registration is free, but since it will be how we contact you
with passwords, event details, etc. it is still important!
Continue to check back for updates at
-the Kendalls (diablo_rojo & wendallkaters)
[1] Team Survey:
[2] Ethercalc Signup:
[3] PTG Registration:
Hello Everyone!
I'm sure you all have been anxiously awaiting the announcement of the dates
for the next virtual PTG! After polling the community[1] and balancing the
pros and cons, we have decided the PTG will take place the week after the
Open Infrastructure Summit[2][3] from October 26th to October 30th, 2020.
PTG registration is now open[4]. Like last time, it is free, but we will
again be using it to communicate details about the event (schedules,
passwords, etc), so please register!
Later this week we will send out info about signing up teams. Also, the
same as last time, we will have an ethercalc signup and a survey to gather
some other data about your team.
-the Kendalls (diablo_rojo & wendallkaters)
[1] ML Poll for PTG Dates:
[2] Summit Site:
[3] Summit Registration:
[4] PTG Registration:
We’re excited to announce that the Call for Presentations [1] for the 2020 Open Infrastructure Summit is now open until August 4!
During the Summit, you’ll be able to join the people building and operating open infrastructure. Submit sessions featuring projects including Airship, Ansible, Ceph, Kata Containers, Kubernetes, ONAP, OpenStack, OPNFV, StarlingX and Zuul!
2020 Tracks
• 5G, NFV & Edge
• AI, Machine Learning & HPC
• Container Infrastructure
• Getting Started
• Hands-on Workshops
• Open Development
• Private & Hybrid Cloud
• Public Cloud
• Security
Types of sessions
Presentations; demos encouraged
Panel Discussions
Lightning Talks
If your talk is not selected for the official track schedule, we may reach out to have you present it as a Lightning Talk during the Summit in a shorter 10-15 minute format
SUBMIT YOUR PRESENTATION [1] - Deadline August 4, 2020
Summit CFP is only for presentation, panel, and workshop submissions. The content submission process for the Forum and Project Teams Gathering (PTG) will be managed separately in the upcoming months.
Programming Committee nominations are also now open. The Programming Committee helps select sessions from the CFP for the Summit schedule. Nominate yourself or or someone else for the Programming Committee [2] before July 10, 2020 and help us program the Summit!
Registration and sponsorship coming soon! For sponsorship inquiries, please email kendall(a) <>.
Please email speakersupport(a) <> with any CFP questions or feedback.
[1] <>
[2]… <…>
Ashlee Ferguson
Community & Events Coordinator
OpenStack Foundation
Hi everyone,
As with the PTG, we are also now taking the OpenDev event virtual!
Don’t know what OpenDev events[1] are? They are interactive discussions critical to the open source advancements addressing current challenges in cloud infrastructure. The goal of the virtual OpenDev events are: identify the questions we don’t yet have answers for, dive in and determine the work ahead of us, share use cases, and learn from other people asking those same questions.
For this round, the community is tackling three topics: hardware automation, open infrastructure at scale, and containers. In order to structure the virtual event so that anyone who would like is available to participate, OpenDev will be organized as a three part series:
1. OpenDev: Large-scale Usage of Open Infrastructure Software
- June 29 - July 1 (1300 - 1600 UTC each day)
- Registration is open[2]!
- High-level schedule coming soon; Find a brief topic summary and more information here[1]
2. OpenDev: Hardware Automation
- July 20 - 22
- Help us pick a time - visit this etherpad[3] and +1 the times you’re available and the topics you would like to cover - please provide your input by this Thursday, March 7.
3. OpenDev: Containers in Production
- August 10 - 12
- Help us pick a time - visit this etherpad[4] and +1 the times you’re available and the topics you would like to cover - please provide your input by this Thursday, March 7.
Find more information and updates on all of these events here[1].
We hope you will be participate in these collaborative discussions! If you have an event specific questions, please contact ashlee(a)
It has come to our attention that we had missed communicating more specific Project Teams Gathering (PTG) planning details to you and wanted to give you the chance to participate if your team is interested.
The now virtual event will be held from Monday June 1 to Friday June 5. We set up available times in 3 different time windows where each window is a cross over time between at least 2 regions (Window A - Americas/Europe, Window B - Europe/APAC, and Window C - APAC/Americas).
==Virtual PTG Signup==
To sign up for time at the PTG:
0. Look at the slots available and talk to your contributors and team members to find out the best times to signup for.
1. Sign up in the ethercalc [1] for the time slots your team needs. Please sign up by Sunday, May 10th at 7:00UTC.
2. Fill out the survey [2] to give us the other team information we need to help facilitate the event.
We NEED you to do both steps!
There are still slots left, and if there isn't a time that works for you please contact kendall(a) and knelson(a) and we should be able to work something out.
Registration for the June 2020 Virtual PTG is now live! It is free but its still extremely important that you register as this is primarily so we have a way to contact attendees with information about the event as we figure the rest of the details out. So please take a minute to register: <>
[1] Ethercalc: <>
[2] Survey: <>