Hey all,
I hope everyone had a nice weekend (and those of you attending LPC and
KVM Forum I hope had nice conferences! I definitely enjoyed meeting some
rust-vmm community members at LPC :)
This e-mail is born from some discussions about formal verification
Matias, Stefano and me had at LPC last week. Matias held a session
titled "Verifying the Conformance of a VirtIO Driver to the VirtIO
Specification" [1], which touched on rust-vmm's virtio stack, and I have
done similar work for Firecracker's virtio stack [3] using the Kani Rust
verifier [2]. We also had an intern at AWS in the Kani team work on some
formal verification in vmm-sys-util recently [4].
Since there seems to be quite some interest in introducing formal
methods to rust-vmm, I thought we could talk about it at the next
community sync meeting next Monday (4pm BST, as always)? :D
[1]: https://lpc.events/event/18/contributions/1897/
[2]: https://github.com/model-checking/kani/
[3]: https://github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker/blob/4bbbec06ee0d529add0…
[4]: https://github.com/rust-vmm/vmm-sys-util/pull/227