Migrating git repos to OpenDev
by corvus@inaugust.com 22 Apr '19

22 Apr '19
Should we drop our custom Ansible plugins?
by corvus@inaugust.com 15 Apr '19

15 Apr '19
7 19
0 0

08 Apr '19
9 23
0 0
PTG Team Photos
by Kendall Nelson 29 Mar '19

29 Mar '19
Zuul project update 2019-03-25
by corvus@inaugust.com 25 Mar '19

25 Mar '19
nodepoolcmd + secure.conf
by Paul Belanger 25 Mar '19

25 Mar '19
Speculative docker images
by corvus@inaugust.com 23 Mar '19

23 Mar '19
Parameterized Build
by Tristan Cacqueray 21 Mar '19

21 Mar '19
Re: Zuul 3.7.0 released
by Jimmy McArthur 21 Mar '19

21 Mar '19
Re: Migrating git repos to OpenDev
by corvus@inaugust.com 21 Mar '19

21 Mar '19

20 Mar '19
4 11
0 0
Zuul Board Approval Presentation
by Jimmy McArthur 18 Mar '19

18 Mar '19
Zuul generic jobs
by Tomasz Szandała 14 Mar '19

14 Mar '19
Zuul project update 2019-03-11
by corvus@inaugust.com 13 Mar '19

13 Mar '19
404 - Tenant does not exist
by Tomasz Szandała 10 Mar '19

10 Mar '19