AW: AW: Different queues across branches?

Mike Pagel mike at
Thu Dec 20 17:42:09 UTC 2018

> Yes -- when creating shared change queues from projects, the first 
> appearance of a queue name is used, and this is true for any branch.

> So, unlike jobs definitions and invocations, a project's membership in a shared queue is global and immutable. 
> It doesn't change based on branch, or the change under test.  It is simply a characteristic of the project itself.

I understand and I accept that this is the current state. In that case however, having multiple queue names is an erroneous condition. Depending on what "first" actually means I could imagine scenarios, where setting a different queue name in a branch can remove my project from the original queue used before on master and essentially break master's gating, because other (required) projects are still using the original queue name...

Would you agree? Would it make sense to guard against this? Where would that kind of checking code go? What kind of exception should be thrown? Where would I find an example of such kind of configuration check code and associated tests?


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