AW: AW: Different queues across branches?

James E. Blair corvus at
Thu Dec 20 16:57:59 UTC 2018

"Mike Pagel" <mike at> writes:

> Just browsed the source a bit and it seems that the code in
> DependentPipelineManager. buildChangeQueues() suggests that always the
> _first_ found queue name is used, searched across projects with
> identical names (e.g. from different branches?):
> This would explain why I see the current behavior. Did I spot the
> correct place? And if so, what was the reasoning for doing it this
> way?

Yes -- when creating shared change queues from projects, the first
appearance of a queue name is used, and this is true for any branch.

So, unlike jobs definitions and invocations, a project's membership in a
shared queue is global and immutable.  It doesn't change based on
branch, or the change under test.  It is simply a characteristic of the
project itself.

There's some more documentation about that here:


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