AW: Reverse of required-projects.override-checkout?

James E. Blair corvus at
Fri Apr 20 13:55:55 UTC 2018

"Mike Pagel" <mike at> writes:

> Thank you so much for all that detail. I'll try that out ASAP. Let me just
> double-check one thing. In the configs you mentioned is the following true
> if I have this config?
> # A/zuul.yaml (v1.0 branch):
>   - pragma:
>       implied-branches:
>         - v1.0
>         - v1.0-a
>   - job:
>       required-projects:
>         - name: A
>           override-checkout: v1.0
>         - name: B
>           override-checkout: v1.0-a
> Now, if I reference the "job" in the check pipeline of project B, a PR on
> B's "v1.0-a" branch will get verified by the job. Zuul will check out B's
> "v1.0-a" branch plus merge the PR and check out A's "v1.0" branch? I have to
> require A here to have it checked out for a change in B. And I have to do
> the override-checkout for A, since it otherwise would try to checkout
> "v1.0-a", which doesn't exist. Correct?

That is all correct.


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