Zuul project update 2018-04-23

James E. Blair corvus at inaugust.com
Mon Apr 23 14:20:29 UTC 2018


This past week has seen the following:

Shrews started testing Ansible 2.5 and has related changes up for

I made a video[2] to upload to the website which explains the gating
algorithm.  I expect it to be merged soon.  I've also resumed work on
the configuration loading refactor which will allow us to use less
memory for dynamic configuration changes.  I plan on continuing that
this week.

Tobiash has been improving scalability with parent-change-enqueued event
and many github app installations[3].  Part or that stack improves
github testing.  Next week, he plans on working on weak job dependencies
(jobs that still run even if their parents are skipped -- so that Zuul
can decide that an image build job does or doesn't need to run), along
with finishing up GitHub branch status protection handling.

Clarkb has (with Shrews) made zuul-web more asynchronous.  He points out
that we've merged a number of bugfixes, including updates to
zuul-changes and encrypt_secret.  We've alo removed the zuul-cloner
command.  He also asks whether it's time to make another release.

TristanC is working on `allowed-triggers` and `allowed-reporters` tenant
settings to better support a multi-tenant environment with a multitude
of connections.  The nodepool driver work mentioned last week has
merged.  Another change[4] is proposed to make the OpenStack NodeLauncher

Please help write next week's email by updating this etherpad:




[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:zuul-ansible-2.5
[2] https://review.openstack.org/562005
[3] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:parent-change-enqueued+(status:open+OR+status:merged)
[4] https://review.openstack.org/535555

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