working on zuul trigger plugin for jenkins
Spend some time last week hacking away at a zuul trigger plugin for jenkins, really just about getting some better understanding of how this should hang together and what questions need to be asked. Lots of time spent reading details on gRPC as it was suggested at
So far I've got a (very) rudimentary gRPC server that responds to a single status request with OK working as a Jenkins plugin that starts up automatically. I'll try to get it released somewhere soon so it's possible to discuss code, though if it is of interest to the OpenStack community maybe it should be hosted on
Some general things I've noted:
- authenticating requests doesn't appear to be straight forward with gRPC - unclear whether this can share the default jenkins http port even though gRPC and REST (currently using dedicated port) can technically do this - given the number of messages exchanged for a single job, should this use bidirectional streaming - started with a proto layout that is mostly unary client calls and server streaming responses - but should the trigger really be a single connection with multiple messages around the hand-off coordination?
I've also had a bunch of questions to bounce off Monty around how to deal with Zuulv3 and Jenkins node coordination, the upshot of those is to leave that to nodepool and probably help out with the Jenkins nodepool plugin and make that a dependency of the zuul trigger plugin.
For more detail, originally I was worrying about how to ensure zuul trigger plugin would work without using the nodepool plugin, and it would end up needing to query Jenkins as to whether it had the resources to execute the on before triggering, and this would require a deeper integration into Zuul. It was suggested that this would complicate it deeply and would be better to have nodepool manage the resources, so that zuul would only start the ansible job that would call the zuul trigger API endpoints if nodepool had sufficient resources for Jenkins to use to execute the job. It appears clear any migration path to Zuulv3 involving Jenkins would want to use Zuulv2 -> Gearman -> Jenkins -> Nodepoolv3 first, then migrate Zuulv3.
So I'm looking to help on the Jenkins Nodepool plugin first, and that will probably make it much more straight forward to understand what needs to be done in the trigger plugin.
A couple of weeks ago someone was in the Zuul room chatting about working on the Nodepool plugin for Jenkins, wondering if there has been any progress there, and what I can help out with in the future.
participants (1)
Darragh Bailey