Hi, After merging the feature/zuulv3 branches of Nodepool and Zuul back into master, a number of open changes on the master branch remained from before the merge (and, in many cases, much older than that). Some of us have gone through to try to triage those changes. Some of them were implemented on the feature/zuulv3 branch or otherwise just don't apply anymore (a component was removed, or functions differently). These changes were abandoned with a short explanation of why, and an invitation to restore them if the, admittedly cursory, analysis was wrong. Some of them may still apply, but in those cases, almost certainly need to be rebased. These changes we marked with Workflow -1: Work in Progress, with the hope that the author will update them when time permits. At this point, all of the open changes on Zuul and Nodepool which are not marked WIP should be relevant to the current state of the tree, and should be reviewed. So if you've only been looking at a subset of open changes to avoid the older changes on master which may not be relevant, you should be able to remove that filter and consider all open, non-WIP changes. Thanks, Jim
participants (1)