On 2018-11-26 14:47:12 +0100 (+0100), Mike Pagel wrote: [...]
It would very much simplify our workflows if an "atomic" merge (from zuul's point of view) would be possible. I can think of some ways to sort of realize this with zuul, but none of them is really safe, even if zuul is the only party executing merges to protected branches. [...]
This could be viewed as a subset of the problem described in Brendan Jackman's "Testing multiple commits in one job with Gerrit" thread from today, extended to cross-project dependencies. The commonality, as I see it, is in running tests only once for a related set of changes (in the same project or across multiple projects) and then merging them "together." Years ago when working out the implementation for cross-project dependencies we hotly debated exactly this "atomic" merge possibility. At the time, Zuul was still very much focused on the needs of the OpenStack community and so it was relatively easy to declare that any sort of tight coupling between projects leading to changes which couldn't be tested discretely in a serialized order was simply a result of poor coding practices and against the community's design principles. This idea has come up regularly over the history of Zuul, and while these days the project is a lot more open to supporting other less-strict workflows and policies, the safety concerns to which you allude are still very much a reason to be worried. I don't see how to make such atomicity guarantees atop other backend services which lack any "atomic" merge feature themselves. What should Zuul do if it encounters an error when attempting to merge some of the required changes after testing succeeds (force in a revert of the others somehow, or leave things in an inconsistent state)? I think if we can answer that or work with the upstream maintainers of the various backends to implement some sort of transactions which can be rolled back prior to committing them, it might be safer. That almost certainly implies a performance cost for the backend itself, however, since it can't claim the necessary atomicity either without some sort of (likely intractable from their perspectives) locking solution. -- Jeremy Stanley