On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 06:45:22AM +0000, Tristan Cacqueray wrote:
Thank you, Monty for such an extensive feedback. Please find my replies inlined.
On December 10, 2018 4:54 pm, Monty Taylor wrote:
I've since learned that it's considered a Bad Idea to re-use the etcd k8s uses for apps running in k8s. That means you need to run an etcd for your app anyway, which ultimately means the k8s use of etcd is really not as meaningful/beneficial as I originally thought, reducing any perceived gain we might have from aligning with what the k8s community is doing. Given that one of the benefits of using k8s to run applications is to make installing complicated dependencies like zookeeper easier (and plenty of things out there require much more complicated dependency chains than we do) - I don't think "need to run a zookeeper but I already know how to run etcd in k8s" is a very compelling argument.
Another argument has to do with distro packaging, as the complexity of distro packaging for java applications is high and support for zk inside of the RH distros has been low. I know people were already working on getting it in to rh distros properly, but even with that, last time I asked internally at RH about use of software dependencies upstream that were not in distro and/or hard to properly package (this was related to javascript tooling and frameworks) the answer was "write the software the way it needs to be written, don't let the distro packaging situation override the correct technical decision". So I'd argue we've already gotten the feedback needed from the provider of the distro with the youngest/smallest support for zk that it's ok.
I think this is a single argument: etcd is becoming more popular with k8s (and apparantly openstack). Using etcd for Zuul would make it simpler for operator since they are more likely to have the knowledge of running and maintaining an etcd cluster. Moreover, integrating Zookeeper in RH distro isn't really a technical issue; the dependencies are already packaged. However, the issue is the lack of engagement upstream which prevents proper support.
FWIW: I'd had the same concerns as you, when we first decided to use Zookeeper. Originally I thought, great another java app to maintain. However, in the last year of running Zookeeper for zuul.o.o, there hasn't been much maintainence that needed to be done. There was a few hiccups at the start around snapshots, but so far zero issues with memory leaks or broken functionality. We even migrated from a single ZK instances, to 3 node ZK cluster, and don't believe there was any problems.
The only reason I could imagine changing that in the future would be if zk upstream abandoned the project. Zookeeper itself is prety much "done" - it's a simple system that's been around for ages and additional 'features' are mostly done via recipes on top of its fundamentals ... so even a mostly absent upstream wouldn't really be a problem as long as it remains active enough to keep up with security fixes and to keep up with Java versions. I'm pretty sure zk is used in enough things that many people have a vested interest in (like Kafka) that it's unlikely zk loses enough upstream support to be a dangerous thing to be based on.
I find this argument to be the most compeling. Zookeeper was orginally developed at Yahoo, and there have been no major releases since 2008. Facebook[0] seems to be replacing it by LAD. Kafka[1] also seems to be removing the Zookeeper depencency...
I disagree that Zookeeper is a simple system. It's a complex stack and it seems to be a painpoint for operations. I wouldn't say that it is a dangerous thing to be based on, but it's a problematic choice to make it such a central piece of Zuul services.
As mentioned above, this so far hasn't been my case. Zookeeper just works and haven't needed to do anything. It is possible, as we leverage ZK more, this may changed, but we've done a good job keeping users out of zookeeper so far.
It is a little concerning that the auth issue you link to is still outstanding. However, if you look at the github PR linked: https://github.com/apache/zookeeper/pull/418 it's in merge conflict. I left a ping to the author and reviewer to see if it can be revived. That said - I would hope that zk auth isn't the only piece of the puzzle preventing unauthorized access. I'd expect defense in depth here, with at least some amount of additional restriction in place, such as VPN or iptables or similar.
Even with that PR, the current system may not be enough as it doesn't support multiple auth and you only have a global username:password. For example, with the executor zoning, we may want to be able to revoke or change just one executor credential and not the whole system.
All of that is to say - I think the ship of pondering replacing zk with etcd has sailed and there's no real reason to think we might return to it. kazoo recpies help us use zk fully, and that's a good thing. :)
Perhaps it's not such an impossible feat to rewrite the zk.py module with an etcd backend. Would such a contribution be considered?
Regards, -Tristan
[0]: https://code.fb.com/data-infrastructure/location-aware-distribution-configur... [1]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-6598
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