Lauren Sell <> writes:
Hi everyone,
I wanted to follow up on this thread to continue the planning efforts. It looks like a few of you made notes in the etherpad, but it would be helpful to get a bit more insight and information so we can do some resource planning at the Foundation.
In addition to some of the technical goals on the roadmap, are you wanting to grow awareness of Zuul amongst the industry? attract more contributors? Grow the user base? graduate to a confirmed project at the OpenStack Foundation? For example, I think that educating the market about the concept of gating, including culture change, process, how to organize teams, etc could be an important goal and initiative for the year.
Oh, confirmed project. That's a good and obvious one I missed. I've been following the progress on that and I believe we are ready once the board is. I'll add that to the list. Regarding promoting the concept and culture of gating, I think that's a good idea too, because to talk about gating is to talk about Zuul. Should we find a volunteer to make a plan and drive that, or is this something that we should, as a group, agree that we want to talk about and just try to keep in mind as we interact with the wider world?
A few relevant updates: *Based on an interview with Thierry Carrez and the LeBonCoin team at the Berlin Summit, we just had a great article[1] hit the French press about their use case with Zuul. We’re also working with the LeBonCoin team to do more additional case studies and promotion, because it’s a great story. *FOSDEM was mentioned in the etherpad list of target events, and I’m happy to report some community volunteers (Erwan, Adrien, Jean-Phillipe, and others) along with a few folks from the Foundation staff including Clark Boylan worked the OpenStack Foundation booth and had some great conversations about Zuul. Apparently the “stop merging broken code” stickers were a hit[2]! *Zuul was the featured project in a recent OpenStack Foundation community newsletter, which is distributed to the large Foundation member database, and is also published on Superuser[3] for social promotion/archiving *Finally, as a heads up, there is a whitepaper in development by the OpenCI group (Melvin Hillsman, Fatih Degirminci and others) that features Zuul. They have asked some Zuul community members to help contribute content for the related sections. I’m not sure what their timeline will be to publish and promote the whitepaper because the draft is not yet complete, but we’ve offered to help.
That's all great! I feel like we've seen more folks pop into the IRC channel with getting-started questions over the past few weeks. -Jim