On 2020-06-18 13:22:57 +0100 (+0100), Sorin Sbarnea wrote: [...]
use of cookies would require a EU-cookie popup, even if they would not be tracked server side. [...]
I personally consider this a misinterpretation of EU data protection regulations as they generally exempt cookies which are necessary components of an application and not used for the collection of personal information, tracking behaviors for marketing purposes, or sharing with outside parties. That aside, this should not be a concern for application developers, it's an operational choice which depends on local laws and organizational policy (just as they may need to make sure how they handle their Web server access logs isn't in violation of some privacy law in their jurisdiction). We should probably still clearly document what cookies the WebUI stores, so that deployers can decide for themselves whether they need to notify their users about them in some way, but also just as much so that they can understand how the features related to that stored data work in case they need to troubleshoot them at some point. -- Jeremy Stanley