Hi, We were recently presented with a case of a user who uses Gerrit's support for arbitrary repo hierarchies in an unexpected way. Essentially, they have both of the following projects defined in gerrit: * project * project/subproject That is to say, project is not just a pathname, it is a full-blown Gerrit repo. Further, this has nothing to do with git submodules or anything. There are several potential issues in Zuul related to nested repos: * Stats * Secret key storage * Time database * Internal merger repos * Workspace checkouts Stats are good. We already flatten project names there (eg, translate / to _). The secret key storage we are about to move to ZK. We can handle that right now. The time database will be eliminated as part of the v5 work as well, and replaced with SQL. Not a problem. That leaves the git repos. The main issue is that git doesn't deal well with git repos that are cloned into other git repos. We need to keep these separate. The internal merger repos (that is, the ones that users never see) will need a flattened namespace. That should be relatively straightforward since we can take care of that without a user-visible impact. Finally, that leaves the subject of this mail: the user-visible workspace checkouts. Once we get Zuul to a point where it doesn't error-out on a nested repo structure, we still have to decide how to lay it down on disk in the executor workspace. I can see three options: 1) Attempt to lay the repos out in the current fashion, with project/subproject cloned on top of project. I do not think we should do this. While we might be able to do this in the limited context of a workspace checkout (as compared to the internal merger repos), it would still be fraught with problems if, for example, anyone ever did add a "subproject" directory to "project". 2) Allow users to map projects to arbitrary repo checkouts. For this we might add a new mapping to a job like this: - job: checkouts: project: project project/subproject: subproject This would allow users to write out the repos wherever it suits them, whether that's a flat structure as above, or something more complex. They could also move just a single troublesome repo. In fact, you'd really only need the second line of the map above, the first is redundant. 3) Allow users to indicate they want a flat checkout. Given that this is the first use-case for this which we have seen, it's instructive to learn how the users who prompted this discussion are actually using their repos. They want a flat checkout. So they essentially only want the last component of the path to appear in their workspace. This option is a specialized version of the above that's less flexible, but probably simpler to use for this case: - job: flat-checkout: true That would map each project to its last path component. We would need to decide what to do if *that* caused a collision. Presumably we would error out. In this case, the user would have no recourse with Zuul (they would need to change a repo name or stop using a repo in that job). Options 2 and 3 are not mutually exclusive. We could do both so that the typical use would be #3 with #2 as a backup (or for someone with really creative ideas about how to lay down repos). We could also implement one and leave the other as an idea for future expansion. I suspect the internal implementation will be about the same for both. I think I'm inclined to start with #3 just because it concisely enables a specific pattern that may be useful in other contexts. Does anyone have feedback or a preference? -Jim P.S. I suspect we're going to find cases in zuul-jobs where we have assumed project.src_dir == 'src/'+project.canonical_name, but we can and should fix those. We made that a variable for a reason.