28 Feb
28 Feb
2:56 p.m.
On 2020-02-28 13:19:02 -0600 (-0600), Jimmy McArthur wrote:
Follow up question: Which survey platform are you all comfortable with using? For Kata we used Survey Monkey. For OpenStack we used our own survey builder, but it's a bit of an overreach for a smaller survey. [...]
There's a Limesurvey instance running at https://survey.openstack.org/ (brief self-service documentation to set up a survey admin account can be found at https://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/survey.html#admin-survey-user if you're interested), though I don't know that it's gotten much testing. If folks find it useful, OpenDev could discuss rehoming the domain and maintaining it more formally as a production service. -- Jeremy Stanley