Hi, The past two weeks in the Zuul project have seen: David discovered an issue in node deletion that was leaving empty ZooKeeper nodes and added code to nodepool to clean those up automatically. He also fixed a race in the test_handler_poll_session_expired nodepool test. Tobias worked on spec for scale out scheduler (what we've been informally calling Zuul v4 -- where we likely connect all components via Zookeeper and remove our use of Gearman). He also fixed an issue with github status checks. Paul added nodepool.node_id support for job inventory files (so that performance problems in jobs can be traced back to the hypervisor on which they ran). And I've continued the relative-priority work (including a change to group projects in check as they are grouped in gate), as well as a revision to our proposed governance document. A number of us are likely to be less active over the next few weeks. I don't plan to send another status update email until January 7. Please help write the next update email by updating this etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zuul-update-email -Jim