On 2021-08-30 20:49:25 +0200 (+0200), Alan Pevec wrote: [...]
The source of truth is the Gerrit group https://review.opendev.org/admin/groups/93182b1f736216a8ec33c005c59d9c509c46... Could we just link to it in the docs? Disadvantage is this requires sign-in to see, which might be fair since it does show personal data.
"Source of truth" where change approval is concerned, so yeah I mainly agree with you. My only real question is to the reason(s) for maintaining that column in the docs. Commenting in Gerrit typically uses a human display name (though that's configurable, people mostly use their "real-world" names there as with the mailing list), while chat in IRC and now Matrix tends to have more people using pseudonyms. I gather the IRC nick column was intended to map those pseudonyms for the sake of newcomers who aren't sure who's who and which nicknames correspond to which code reviews and ML messages. -- Jeremy Stanley