Zuul's Web site has a page dedicated to users and their stories: https://zuul-ci.org/users.html We have nearly a dozen so far, but we want yours too (and if it's already there, maybe you have new details now that you've been relying on Zuul for longer?). Whether you're running Zuul yourself or your project is taking advantage of a shared Zuul deployment, the editors of SuperUser would love to hear from you. The easiest way is to take the Zuul User Survey linked from the top of the page above and indicate that you're willing to tell your story, but you can also contact the SuperUser editors at editor@openstack.org or see the Editorial Guidelines here: https://superuser.openstack.org/editorial-guidelines/ Zuul is becoming wildly popular as people increasingly realize they have needs only it is designed to solve, so there are certain to be more stories about it we haven't heard yet. Please tell yours too! -- Jeremy Stanley