I fully support this move! It will clearly lower the change of confusions among role consumers. For me personally the "install" and "ensure" had the same meaning because I always looks from the configuration-management point of view. Still, I know that not everyone had the same view and some where expecting to have role failing if something was already installed. Lets roll it! Personally I would have preferred using symlinks from old roles to new ones as it makes the rename more obvious. I also wonder if we could use a "{{role_path|basename}}" to create a bunch of redirects. I would propose giving like 30 days deprecation period from when we finish creating all ensure- ones till the moment we remove the install- ones. Keeping a big baggage slows us down. It make me happy to see we are all moving to the same direction. Thanks Sorin Sbarnea
On 2 Apr 2020, at 15:18, albin vass <albinvass@gmail.com> wrote:
There were some discussion on irc yesterday about getting some better role name consistency, more specific the install-$foo vs ensure-$foo. The idea is to be more consistent when naming roles that makes sure some software is installed on a node. A question from me was if there could be any difference between the install-$foo vs ensure-$foo, my guess is that there isn't since they should be idempotent.
I've pushed a couple of changes with the topic role-naming-consistency that renames all roles to the ensure-$foo naming standard and should mostly work by now. https://review.opendev.org/#/q/status:open+project:zuul/zuul-jobs+branch:mas...
At the moment the old install-$foo roles are kept and include the new ensure-$roles to make sure nothing breaks.
Regards Albin _______________________________________________ Zuul-discuss mailing list Zuul-discuss@lists.zuul-ci.org http://lists.zuul-ci.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/zuul-discuss