2 Sep
2 Sep
4:09 p.m.
On 2019-09-02 21:13:58 +0200 (+0200), Andreas Jaeger wrote:
On 30/08/2019 00.00, Vitaliy Lotorev wrote:
Starting with at least v2.15 Gerrit is able to differentiate bot comments and hide them using 'Show comments' trigger on web UI. This is achived either using tagged comments or robot comments.
A while ago I filed an issue about Zuul not using these technics[1] (ticket has links for Gerrit docs with tagged and robot comments). This results that Zuul comments are not hiddable in Gerrit.
Yes, that is intended behaviour, see https://review.opendev.org/#/c/655783/
I think this was more about making Zuul able to use new features in Gerrit, nothing to do with OpenDev's Zuul deployment and hideci.js overlay for Gerrit. -- Jeremy Stanley