Hey everybody! As part of the work with the Foundation staff on getting Zuul set up, we've chatted a bit about how to manage the website content. Obviously from the dev side, we find it important to be able to edit content like source code, propose those changes to gerrit and to review each other's changes. There are, however, folks out there who would like to help us do things like marketing who are not crazy about the concept of editing raw html. SO - we went and did a little bit of exploration to see what we could find. Actually, what really happened is that we agreed we'd just go with the html thing we have currently for now and circle back later to figure out a CMS + code review system that would work for everyone. But then I had a weekend and a personal project that had pretty much the same set of requirements. End result - what I'd like to propose is that we adopt a combination of using gatsby [1] as a static site generator and netlify-cms [2] as a web-based CMS interface for editing content and submitting changes to gerrit. Both gatsby and netlify-cms are completely client-side - there are no server side components to run. I found them by looking at https://headlesscms.org/ and https://www.staticgen.com/ gatsby ------ gatsby is a Javascript/React-based static site generator that allows managing content in markdown files. It has netlify-cms plugin support, and the build toolchain works very similarly to the new javascript toolchain for zuul-dashboard. I've got a first rough-draft of this part done that I'll push up for review today or tomorrow. netlify-cms ----------- netlify-cms is a Javascript/React-based CMS for static site generators. It has support for either pushing changes directly in to git or for submitting them as proposed changes. It currently basically only supports github - but the github interface is broken out into a driver layer. In fact, they have two different options- one that talks to github directly and one that talks to a netlify git-gateway service, so the plugin layer isn't just theoretical. We'll need to write a gerrit driver, but that shouldn't be terribly hard. Proposed Plan ------------- We can keep this pretty simple. Step one- migrate existing site from static html to gatsby + zuul jobs. Step two - write gerrit driver for netlify-cms. Step three - add netlify-cms to website. Why not use ... --------------- There are many options out there for static site generation. I like gatsby because it's pure-javascript rather than having a go, ruby or python component. I've personally come to really like keeping web things in javascript ... especially since our zuul-dashboard is doing javascript build tooling now too. There is also tight integration support with netlify-cms (which is also a good choice for the same reason) - and it was super easy for me to get up and going with one of their examples. [1] https://www.gatsbyjs.org/ [2] https://www.netlifycms.org/