Hello! It has come to our attention that we had missed communicating more specific Project Teams Gathering (PTG) planning details to you and wanted to give you the chance to participate if your team is interested. The now virtual event will be held from Monday June 1 to Friday June 5. We set up available times in 3 different time windows where each window is a cross over time between at least 2 regions (Window A - Americas/Europe, Window B - Europe/APAC, and Window C - APAC/Americas). ==Virtual PTG Signup== To sign up for time at the PTG: 0. Look at the slots available and talk to your contributors and team members to find out the best times to signup for. 1. Sign up in the ethercalc [1] for the time slots your team needs. Please sign up by Sunday, May 10th at 7:00UTC. AND 2. Fill out the survey [2] to give us the other team information we need to help facilitate the event. We NEED you to do both steps! There are still slots left, and if there isn't a time that works for you please contact kendall@openstack.org and knelson@openstack.org and we should be able to work something out. ==Registration== Registration for the June 2020 Virtual PTG is now live! It is free but its still extremely important that you register as this is primarily so we have a way to contact attendees with information about the event as we figure the rest of the details out. So please take a minute to register: https://virtualptgjune2020.eventbrite.com <https://virtualptgjune2020.eventbrite.com/> [1] Ethercalc:https://ethercalc.openstack.org/126u8ek25noy <https://ethercalc.openstack.org/126u8ek25noy> [2] Survey: https://openstackfoundation.formstack.com/forms/june2020_virtual_ptg_survey <https://openstackfoundation.formstack.com/forms/june2020_virtual_ptg_survey> Thanks, Claire
Hi everyone, Following last year's example, I started this etherpad to build a list of interested people and topics for a rust-vmm PTG: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/rust-vmm-2020-ptg Anyone interesting in (virtually) getting together and discussing about rust-vmm, please add your name and topics there. Thanks! Alexandra ________________________________ From: Claire Massey <claire@openstack.org> Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 12:21 AM To: rust-vmm ML Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Rust-VMM] Virtual PTG, June 1-5 CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe. Hello! It has come to our attention that we had missed communicating more specific Project Teams Gathering (PTG) planning details to you and wanted to give you the chance to participate if your team is interested. The now virtual event will be held from Monday June 1 to Friday June 5. We set up available times in 3 different time windows where each window is a cross over time between at least 2 regions (Window A - Americas/Europe, Window B - Europe/APAC, and Window C - APAC/Americas). ==Virtual PTG Signup== To sign up for time at the PTG: 0. Look at the slots available and talk to your contributors and team members to find out the best times to signup for. 1. Sign up in the ethercalc [1] for the time slots your team needs. Please sign up by Sunday, May 10th at 7:00UTC. AND 2. Fill out the survey [2] to give us the other team information we need to help facilitate the event. We NEED you to do both steps! There are still slots left, and if there isn't a time that works for you please contact kendall@openstack.org<mailto:kendall@openstack.org> and knelson@openstack.org<mailto:knelson@openstack.org> and we should be able to work something out. ==Registration== Registration for the June 2020 Virtual PTG is now live! It is free but its still extremely important that you register as this is primarily so we have a way to contact attendees with information about the event as we figure the rest of the details out. So please take a minute to register: https://virtualptgjune2020.eventbrite.com [1] Ethercalc:https://ethercalc.openstack.org/126u8ek25noy [2] Survey: https://openstackfoundation.formstack.com/forms/june2020_virtual_ptg_survey Thanks, Claire Amazon Development Center (Romania) S.R.L. registered office: 27A Sf. Lazar Street, UBC5, floor 2, Iasi, Iasi County, 700045, Romania. Registered in Romania. Registration number J22/2621/2005.
participants (2)
Claire Massey
Iordache, Alexandra