Inheritance confusion, docs needed?

James E. Blair corvus at
Mon May 6 20:37:54 UTC 2019

Michael Johnson <johnsomor at> writes:

> As a developer creating Zuul jobs, one of the areas i find confusing
> is the inheritance of variables.
> I am not sure if this is an enhancement style request or just a
> missing section in the documentation.
> When you use host-vars, the top level variables are "merged" with the
> parent job variables, however the nested variables, such as
> "devstack_localrc" are not merged, they are "replaced".
> As an example is the opendev Zuul jobs (I think this applies to
> non-OpenStack jobs as well):
> When you use host-vars, the top level variables are "merged" with the
> parent job variables, however the nested variables, such as
> "devstack_localrc" are not merged, they are "replaced".
> host-vars:
>   controller:
>     devstack_localrc:
>        DATABASE_USER: a-user
> In this example snippet, the variables at the devstack_localrc level
> are "merged", but the variables at the "DATABASE_USER" level are
> replaced and not inherited from the parent.
> Should Zuul be recursively "merging" all the way down or should we
> document how/which variables are inherited from the parent and which
> are not?
> The reason I'm asking is as our job definitions get more complicated
> (multi-node), I find myself copying variables from the parent jobs
> that I would really like to just inherit.

The reason you see this behavior is that these are two different
features of Ansible.

The "vars" job attribute sets global variables for Ansible, but
"host-vars" sets host-specific variables.  In Ansible, host-vars
override global variables.  It looks like we should update the
documentation to make that clear (extra-vars mentions this obliquely,
but not host-vars).

If you use only "vars" or "host-vars" for a given top-level variable,
Zuul will merge the various values all the way down.


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