Getting a #403 Resource not accessible by integration"

Jeremy Stanley fungi at
Fri Mar 19 14:38:45 UTC 2021

On 2021-03-19 10:13:36 -0400 (-0400), Cyril Lavier wrote:
> I'm trying to setup a Zuul POC with Github, with 2 projects (one
> containing the jobs config/playbook and one being an actual
> project with a simple pipeline with a jsonlint job, to test).
> My Zuul is connected to Github, it can grab the repositories and
> receive calls from Github when creating a PR, but Zuul sends this
> message to the PR:
> ------------------------------------
> Starting check jobs.
> Warning:
> Failed to update check run vanilla/check: 403 Resource not
> accessible by integration
> ------------------------------------
> "vanilla" being the tenant name.

There seems to be a test case for this warning up through 4.0.0:

I don't know a bunch about GitHub's permission model, but the
comment there would seem to imply what the warning is trying to tell
you is that the GitHub App you're using to authenticate lacks
permission to use the checks feature for that repository.

The logic around that seems to have been recently reworked by so the error message no longer
appears in the source code for the next release under development,
though it doesn't look any less cryptic unfortunately. Perhaps an
extra sentence suggesting to review checks permissions in the
repository settings would have helped?

> I assume the job being queued indefinitely may come from either
> the node not appearing or the 403 error.

That's my suspicion, but someone better versed with the GitHub
driver and permissions will probably be able to provide a more
confident answer.
Jeremy Stanley
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