swift-proxy repo creation

Jan Kundrát jan.kundrat at cesnet.cz
Tue Jan 26 14:48:57 UTC 2021

On úterý 26. ledna 2021 15:13:43 CET, James E. Blair wrote:
> I would like to hear from more folks about how they have log storage
> configured.  We've heard from BMW and OpenDev, I know there are others.
>   1) What backend storage do you use?
>   2) Is everything public or is there access control?
>   3) How is access control implemented?
>   4) What additional features do you need?

Hi there, we've got a pretty small Zuul + Gerrit setup at $dayjob. For some 
context, we're an academic non-profit with roughly 200 employees, but it's 
just a small team of 3 devs that's actively using Gerrit + Zuul. The rest 
is either not doing SW development, or it's done on GitHub, or in our 
GitLab instance. Today we're roughly at change #3500 in Gerrit.

Here are our numbers for the past two years that we've been on Zuul v3 (it 
was turbo-hipster before that):

- 7k buildsets,
- 24k builds,
- 20k artifacts in the database.

Some of our projects are open source, some are currently company-internal. 
We're doing this via two Zuul tenants, which is rather painful because they 
both point to a single Gerrit server -- that's just the way of working when 
building artifacts from some common repo deep in the dependency chain.

Today we do not have any real access control for logs, so people can just 
guess our Zuul dashboard URL and go ahead browsing our build logs. It has 
not been identified as an unacceptable security risk so far, it's certainly 
"not optimal". So for us, securing the Zuul dashboard, perhaps via these 
web tokens that I read about in the past release notes, would be a first 
step. On the other hand, we already have Gerrit plugged via SAML/Shibboleth 
to federated, education-slash-academia global SSO (eduID), so I would 
prefer not to roll out another piece of service just for Zuul.

In fact, from where I'm standing (a small deployment), I would actually 
prefer more integration with Gerrit. Ideally, a Gerrit plugin should check 
my ACLs and only show me those tenants in Zuul that I can access. A button 
right in the change view should make it possible to re-enqueue a failing 
job. In short, Gerrit already knows what the user should have access to, 
and I would love to use that without running a special identity management 
"proxy" just for Zuul. I realize that this might too simplistic for someone 
who is already running eight Gerrit slaves for scale-out, but for us with 
Gerrit on a smallish VM with plenty of space for growth, that would be a 
nice and welcome improvement.

That said, we've seen "special cases" for fancy web projects that just 
cannot live under an HTTP path different from "/", and that's where our 
scheme with simply handing out raw Swift URLs broke in the past. The way we 
solved this was with a simple proxy via Apache's mod_rewrite. It's likely 
that we could have just implemented our authentication there, and somehow 
limit the underlying Swift container to only allow access via our proxy. 
But I have no idea if it's at all possible with Swift. Anyway, just for 
some public amusement, here's my most favorite rewrite rule:

 RewriteCond "%{REQUEST_URI}" "^/__ci_log_proxy.*"
 RewriteRule ".*" "-" [F]
 RewriteCond "%{REQUEST_URI}" "!^/__ci_log_proxy/.*"
 RewriteRule "^/(.*)$" "/__ci_log_proxy/${tolower:%{SERVER_NAME}}/$1"
 Header edit Location 

If a setup like this is needed, I'm afraid my dream of handling this via a 
Zuul plugin is, well, unrealistic :).

With kind regards,

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