Type annotations

Sorin Sbarnea ssbarnea at redhat.com
Sat Feb 6 08:38:20 UTC 2021

With all due respect but I think this would be a big step backwards.

Yes, it is true that type annotations increase verbosity of the code and
are hard to get right and that mypy has bugs.

Still, type hints do document the code much better than docstrings and
force developer to write better code from start.

Since I started to use type annotation less than two years ago and slowly
introduce it to some projects, I learned a lot from it. I would go so far
to say that type hints "trained" me to use less magic in Python code and
this translated to more reliable and easier to maintain code, safer.

I observed that despite being more verbose, it is much easier to make a
contribution to a random python project that has type hints, because your
code editor/IDE will help you considerably when it has information about
type, something that is not possible without. Without type information code
is much harder to touch as it requires a lot of investigation, even for
minor changes.

Assume you have a function receives an argument foo that "looks to be
string", based on function body and you want to add something to it. You
may easily introduce a bug if out of 10 places where is called from, one is
passing something else, that would break with your minor change. Unitests
and reviews will likely not prevent you from introducing a regression here,
but having a type will likely do spot it.

There were several cases where typing by itself uncovered bugs in the code,
things that passed unittesting and human reviewers.

As I am actively involved with many upstream python libraries, I can see
that there is clear trend of migrating towards type-hints, what did
prevented them for moving sooner was the fact that typehints before python
3.6 were a PITA (i would not recommend them to anyone).

One notable use of typehints is the Pydantic
<https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io/> project which is a library that can
generate JSON/YAML schema validation for configuration files based on the
type annotations.

This library could be used to generate a schema for our zuul job config
files, something that is extremely hard to write by hand using the
specification <https://json-schema.org/>.

I am really curious to see which notable projects made the decision to drop
type hints?

I do strongly believe that the future of Python includes more types not
less, as it did with JavaScript/TypeScript.

What makes Zuul so unique in that regard that we see type information as a
bad thing?

Best regards
Sorin Sbarnea
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