Type annotations

James E. Blair jim at acmegating.com
Fri Feb 5 21:53:35 UTC 2021


I'd like to propose that we remove type annotations and checking from
our code.

I don't think they are providing much value, but they come at a
significant cost.

They have very rarely (I think perhaps once or twice) caught errors.
Meanwhile, we aren't going to relax our test coverage requirements,
which should catch most things anyway.

On the other hand, they cause the code to be much less readable and I
believe that will ultimately lead to more errors.  Developer and
reviewer fatigue are important things to keep in mind.  Some examples
where I think annotations are particularly unhelpful:

  self.on_connect_listeners: List[Callable[[], None]] = []

Or (note the duplication):

  def __init__(self, ...
               info: Optional[zuul.model.WebInfo] = None):
  self.info: Optional[zuul.model.WebInfo] = info

We've also had some occurrences where we ended up fighting the
annotation system.

I've mentioned to several of you that I do very much enjoy the benefits
of statically typed languages (I write C code for fun), but I don't
think that the type hints in Python are very well executed.  Many of us
chose to use Python instead of Java specifically for the dynamic typing
and as a reaction against the extensive type requirements.  The type
hinting that is being added to Zuul seems like it carries the costs of
Java without the benefits.

We started this as a small experiment.  We said that we would run the
type checker in a mode where it would operate on implicit type
information, thereby minimizing the additional cognitive load on authors
and reviewers.  We then started adding some minimal type information in
strategic places to help it out.  However, I'm now reviewing changes
that are literally 3x larger than they otherwise would be because of all
the additional repetitive type information going into them.

I'm glad to try experiments like these, but I think this one has grown
to the point where we need to decide if we want to go all-in on type
annotations or remove them.

I feel fairly strongly that the cost to authors and reviewers far
outweighs the benefits, and we should make everyone's lives easier by
removing them.


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