Using React Hooks for the Zuul web UI

Tristan Cacqueray tdecacqu at
Thu Aug 5 15:41:22 UTC 2021

On Thu, Aug 05, 2021 at 08:14 James E. Blair wrote:
> Tristan Cacqueray <tdecacqu at> writes:
>> I don't understand what needs to be evaluated. The current usage of
>> redux in zuul is not complicated, what would be the use-case for RTK?
> I thought the goal was to reduce the complexity of the code base?
> RTK is how that is done with redux.
> If that's not the goal, what is?

My point was that using Hooks we could replace the current implicit
state defined as:

  prop <-> redux connect <-> state <-> reducer <-> action

... with an explicit function call:


Thus instead of chasing down how a property is set, we can just
follow the callstack where it is used.

Then when adding new state, such as auth, we would benefit from this new
pattern, for example using such functional hook:

>From my experience, this consise and explicit API design is a good
strategy to reduce the complexcity. I am not sure how adding a toolkit
on top of redux is going to help, and I would be happy to be convinced

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