Using React Hooks for the Zuul web UI

Tristan Cacqueray tdecacqu at
Thu Aug 5 15:08:48 UTC 2021

On Thu, Aug 05, 2021 at 07:27 James E. Blair wrote:
> <Felix.Edel at> writes:
>> I’ve read a few things about react hooks [1], [2], hooks vs redux [3],
>> [4] and especially about the useContext hook [5]. I have the feeling
>> this goes into the right direction and the new useContext and
>> useReducer hooks feel a little like redux just without the boilerplate
>> to set up the store and connect each component to the store. But - as
>> emphasized in [4] this is only useful if you are using redux mainly to
>> pass down the state to deeper nested components, but not if you really
>> want to "manage state". Based on what I have seen so far from the
>> zuul-web frontend, I'd say we are more on the left side (passing down
>> information) to other components, but are not managing a complex state
>> in our app. If we aim for doing so we should keep redux.
> Those are good references, thanks.
> There are a lot of comment replies in [3] about how the article is
> somewhat misleading and in the end produces as much boilerplate as redux
> toolkit (RTK) without the advantages of redux.
> Reference [4] was really good.  Here's an important excerpt:
>   Whenever the parent component re-renders and passes in a new reference
>   to the context provider as the value, any component that reads from
>   that context will be forced to re-render.
> (That was also mentioned by the comments in [3].)

I have been worried about that too, but it seems like this re-render is
already happening with redux, e.g. any dispatch cause the whole tree to
be re-rendered. Moreover React is already optimizing that part for us.

And if rendering is the bottleneck, then we can use the memo hook to
skip it when necessary.

> If I had been presented with this choice when we started on the react
> work for the web app, I very likely would have chosen to use context and
> not redux.
> But we have redux now, and we understand it, and it works.  Whether we
> know it or not, we're benefiting from its optimizations which help us
> avoid unnecessarily re-rendering components when the state updates.
> I'm concerned that we might give those up, as well as any future benefit
> we would get from redux as the app becomes more complex.  We're about to
> add a lot more state management to the app with Matthieu's work.

That sounds like another reason to use Hooks, because they are designed
to handle such state management. Matthieu's work would be defined in a
'useAuth' hook that would not affect the rest of the state.

> In other words, there's a good chance that if we move to hooks and
> useContext, we would end up with something that looks a look like what
> we would have with RTK, but without the benefits of redux.

Note that I would prefer we don't rely on a context. I think it is worth
being explicit with then state, even if it is more verbose.

> Based on the fact that RTK keeps showing up as the answer to "redux is
> complex" in every article that addresses this subject, I don't think we
> can make this decision without a real evaluation of that.
> And to be clear, I still consider this completely separate from classes
> vs hooks.  Perhaps hooks + RTK might be the best choice.

I don't understand what needs to be evaluated. The current usage of
redux in zuul is not complicated, what would be the use-case for RTK?


>> [1]:
>> [2]:
>> [3]:
>> [4]:
>> [5]:
>> [6]:
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