Using React Hooks for the Zuul web UI

Tristan Cacqueray tdecacqu at
Wed Aug 4 17:24:58 UTC 2021

On Wed, Aug 04, 2021 at 06:58 James E. Blair wrote:
> <Felix.Edel at> writes:
>> I’m in favor of functional components over class components, because I
>> find them much more concise and better to read. One example that I
>> stumbled across multiple times is the binding of `this` when using
>> callbacks or event handlers. Since functional components don’t involve
>> `this` it’s much simpler to deal with it.
> That's true, but it's just one of many JS quirks (like !==) we've all
> learned to live with and we know the solution and can copy/pasta now.
> On the other hand, once you do bind 'this' to a callback,
> onClick="this.doSomething()" is natural and easy to read, and you get
> the code organization benefits of the local component state being
> attributes.
> I don't think it's a huge difference, but the class-oriented structure
> has the benefit of already existing.
>> What I’m not sure about is whether we should get rid of redux or
>> whether the hooks are really a replacement for redux. I think those
>> topics might be related but aren’t necessarily the same.
> I think this is key.  Would it be fair to characterize Tristan's change
> as 90% removing redux, and 10% switching to hooks?
> If we only look at the pages/Tenants.jsx file, then really the
> differences between classes and hooks are not very significant.  It's
> just that instead of defining a class, it's defining a function which
> defines a bunch of functions.
> The key thing is the subtle change in how redux is used.  I think that
> seems like the most important question.  As much as we can separate the
> two issues, we should, but at least at the moment, they seem related.

I meant to show how React Hooks can be used to simplify the existing class
structure with functional components as well as how they can be used to
implement the redux state management.

Hooks can simplify the class structure by keeping the state management
logic closer to the use site. For example, in the current class based
status page, the actual rendering starts here:

To know where this value come from, one would have to look for:

 L194 status = this.pros.remoteData.status
 L254 redux connect state.status
 implicit redux reducer and action location?
 L84  action dispatch
 L107 update data called

A hook would contain all the above logic and its usage look like this:

 const [status, refresh] = useRemoteData(fetchStatus)

With the class based approach, you need to know about the whole
component and the redux store to understand how the status property
contains the right data. On the other hand, hooks are explicit, so
you can just follow the callstack to observe the api call.
As Felix said, a functional approach is more concise and better to read.

Then it seems like most of the existing redux based state management
management could be replaced with that single useRemoteData hook.

>> I’m definitely not a JavaScript nor a React expert, so take all of this with a grain of salt.
>> I think there is a slight difference between the state held in redux
>> and the state held in a react component. The state held in a single
>> react component is something that only this component is interested in
>> (the content of form fields, if a modal is open or not, if a checkbox
>> is checked, …). Redux comes into play when you want to share state
>> across multiple components. For example fetching a list of records
>> from the backend and visualize it in multiple components in various
>> formats. You might have a page that shows all records in a short
>> format and a details page that shows a single record with more
>> data. You might even want to show a counter (so just a plain number
>> showing the number of records) somewhere else on the page. All these
>> could be done by using the records from the redux state directly
>> without the need to fetch them again from the backend. In our case the
>> first thing that comes to my mind is the tenant information which is
>> used in a lot of places. Another thing is the build result including
>> all its files (a more detailed explanation to this comes further
>> down).
>> In my opinion it’s a good idea to store such a tenant information in
>> the redux store, so it can be shared across all components that are
>> interested in it. Would something like this be possible with plain
>> react hooks? Or would we have to fetch the tenant information for
>> every component again?
>> If we can do this with react hooks, I think we can ditch redux and
>> only use hooks. You could then also skip the rest of this email. If
>> not, I think a combination of both would be useful and here is why:

We can share react hooks between component either using an explicit property:

  const Parent = () => {
    const store = useReducer(...);
    <Child store />

  const Child = (prop) => {
    const [state, dispatch] =

... or either using the useContext hook, we can share a
value (such as `[state, dispatch]`) implicitely without using a property.

Then hooks are composable, so the 'useRemoteData' I described previously
could be implemented with useContext so that the data persist through
the navigation.

>> To give an example: The builds page (table with all builds) fetches a
>> list of builds from the backend but doesn’t store them in redux. Thus,
>> with each reload of the page (e.g. by clicking on the “Builds” entry
>> in the navbar) the list of builds is fetched from the backend
>> again. The build result page, on the other hand, stores whatever it
>> fetches in redux. Thus, by clicking on the same build entry on the
>> builds page multiple times or go forth and back in the browser
>> history), nothing will be fetched again from the backend. This allows
>> the page to re-load much faster once it was loaded at least once.
>> I think both pages work well like this because they have different use
>> cases: When you browse a single build result you might switch between
>> multiple log files of the same build, visit the corresponding buildset
>> (which then also needs to be fetched only once) and go back to the
>> build result page. Assuming that you do this in a single browser tab
>> (and don’t reload the page using ctrl+r) most of the stuff only needs
>> to be fetched once. The builds page on the other hand should always
>> show the newest builds and don’t rely on older data kept in the local
>> state.
> One adjustment I'd make to the example here -- the builds page can do
> both: it can show the redux-stored data from the previous viewing
> immediately while it dispatches a fetch on mount to update the data;
> then react will naturally re-render the table once the updated data
> arrive.  This is responsive for users and also keeps data current.
> With this mindset, many components can benefit from storing state
> centrally.
>> For sure we could also combine the builds page with redux and do some
>> incremental updates of the local state, but this would be much more
>> complicated and I’m not sure if that’s worth. For example we would
>> have to take the filtering into account (we would have to filter the
>> local list as well, but that doesn’t make much sense if it only
>> contains the first ~20 entries). If we want to add pagination later
>> on, this again becomes more complex.
> (And I don't think this changes my description above -- the stored local
> state would also include the filtering and the current page, so when
> someone hits "back" they get the same thing they were just looking at.)
>> IMHO Something like this mostly makes sense for CRUD applications,
>> e.g. a management system that deals with creating, updating and
>> deleting entries in a list of records. In this case you could use
>> redux to directly reflect the changes in the local store without
>> waiting for the response from the backend (“optimistic update”) which
>> results in an extremely fast UI as you don’t have to wait for the
>> network on each action. In zuul-web we are not doing much of this and
>> are more like a consumer of the backend data. Parts of that data
>> change quite frequently while others stay like they are.
>> TL;DR I think a combination of redux and local state would be useful
>> where we use redux only for things we need to share across components
>> and put the other information directly in the (local) component
>> state. If sharing data/state across multiple components is possible
>> with plain react hooks, we could ditch redux.
>> Br, Felix
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