Using React Hooks for the Zuul web UI

James E. Blair jim at
Tue Aug 3 16:35:59 UTC 2021

Tristan Cacqueray <tdecacqu at> writes:

> One of the key argument is that updating functionnal component
> does not require learning and remembering the class lifecycle in
> order to know which method need to be modified. Thanks to the hooks
> system, all the logic is contained in the render function, making it
> easy to reason about the state and how it changes.


> I have not looked at redux toolkit, and it seems like React
> hooks (at least for the Zuul use case) provides the necessary pieces to
> replace redux (with the context and reducer hooks). 


> A good candidate would be the TenantsPage component. I can propose a
> change if you are interested.

You did propose, thanks.

The actual hooks part of this is fairly straightforward and does seem
like an improvement.

If an outcome of this is that we remove redux, we're effectively
removing our central data store.  So each page will have its own data

We have some components which share data -- like the build page which
will always have the build, but parts may include complete logfiles,
etc.  Having the central data store means if you navigate away from the
build page, then navigate back, we wouldn't need to fetch it again.

  (Note, I don't know if we implemented that perfectly right now, but
  it's at least a theoretical benefit, and thinking about that may help
  me understand the change.)

I have two questions based on this:

1) If we navigate away from the tenant page, then come back, will react
render the component with the old state (while also dispatching a fetch
to update it)?  Or will it always start with an empty-list state?

2) Is there a way to share state between different components and/or
pages?  I'm not only thinking about the build log case above, but also
things like user sessions, etc.


In PS2 you added a react-redux dispatch method, so now it looks like
redux is back in the picture.

Is something like that temporary so that we could continue to integrate
with components which currently use redux?  Or is that the answer to
question #2 -- that we would keep redux for the global store, and
anything that didn't need to be global would use react hooks state?


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