internationalization for the web UI

James E. Blair corvus at
Fri Jun 26 14:06:07 UTC 2020

Matthieu Huin <mhuin at> writes:

> Since there was no opposition so far to react-redux-i18n, I went on and
> finished the translation coverage. French speakers: vous pouvez voir ce que
> ça donne ici:
> Certaines traductions (ou non-traductions) prêtent à débat, n'hésitez pas à
> commenter sur gerrit. :)

I think my biggest concern with this is how awkward the Translate
component is to use.  It looks like every string needs an identifier, so
what's currently:
     <Link> Summary </Link>

Turns in to:
     <Link> <Translate value='' /> </Link>

In python, with gettext, the change is more like:


This is not only less typing, but critically, the developer doesn't need
to create an identifier for the string (and ensure it's unique within
the relevant namespace).  This makes it easier for developers to perform
maintenance on code, and increases the likelihood of compliance with the
i18n standards (and therefore a higher rate of translatable strings).

Is there any kind of system like this for react?  It seems at the very
least, we should be able to do something like:

     <Link> <t> Summary </t> </Link>

and have that work like gettext.  Does something like that exist?


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