internationalization for the web UI

James E. Blair corvus at
Mon Jun 22 17:52:38 UTC 2020

Matthieu Huin <mhuin at> writes:

> Hello,
> Here is a WIP patch that aims to add support for translating Zuul's web UI:
> . After trying unsuccessfully to work
> with react-i18next [0] as it seems to be the most popular i18n library for
> react,
> I've had more success with react-redux-i18n [1] (i18next didn't seem to
> play nice with some redux things).
> This choice of library, however, is not perfect:
> Pros:
> - relatively painless integration with zuul-web's existing code
> Cons:
> - no new commit on the library in 2 years
> - All the translations are loaded in the store as the web app is initially
> loaded in the browser. There aren't many text strings to localize, but as
> more languages get supported, this might mean a lot of potentially useless
> data will have to be downloaded in the browser. (OTOH react-i18next can
> load the right locale when needed)
> If there any better choices of library and/or implementation, please let me
> know through reviews. Until then I won't work more on this, as listing the
> translatable strings is a bit of a chore and I'd rather make sure we're all
> on agreement about how to do Zuul i18n. Once this is cleared, will come the
> fun times of nitpicking exact translations of Zuul terms in the language of
> your choice. :)
> Cheers,
> [0]:
> [1]:

I don't have a suggestion, but just wanted to say thanks for looking
into this, and I hope we identify a good solution.  :)


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