Increasing project visibility

Antoine Musso hashar at
Wed Jan 29 22:42:42 UTC 2020

On 29/01/2020 18:34, James E. Blair wrote:
> Jimmy McArthur <jimmy at> writes:
>> One thing I forgot to add to this... a really important part of
>> improving Zuul's search rankings is getting us up on wikipedia.  If
>> anyone has a chance to pick that up again, I'd welcome it :)
> That has a lot of Zuul v2/wikimedia-specific stuff.


That draft article is mostly from administration doc I wrote for the
Wikimedia Foundation instance of Zuul:

> It might be easier to just clear it out and replace it with
> a draft that Clark started:

Indeed :)

Then one has to remember Wikipedia aims at collecting human knowledge in
a form of an encyclopedia. The project has a few principles and a lot of
various policies.

For a new article, I recommend reading at least:

Lack of notability is probably one of the reason for a proposed article
to be deleted.

Happy writing!

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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