Enabling new log features

James E. Blair corvus at inaugust.com
Tue Aug 13 20:09:40 UTC 2019


We recently made a release of Zuul with a bunch of new functionality for
handling logs in-browser.  The idea is that when Zuul reports the
completion of a job, the URL it uses will be a link to the Zuul web
application.  There is a page for each build where a summary of
information about the build is displayed, a tree-view of all the log
files stored for the build, along with inline rendering of any text
files therein, and a complete structured rendering of the tasks in the
job.  Note that in all cases these features require an existing SQL
reporter configuration.

Here's an example in use: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/675413/

There are a few steps you may need to take to upgrade existing
installations to use these new features (and they may vary depending on
your log storage).  Here's a brief outline:

Set up CORS: static log server

If you are simply uploading your logs with the "upload-logs" role, then
you will need to make sure that the webserver which serves these logs
adds an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.  If you are using Apache,
you should make sure there is a line like this in the VirtualHost

  Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

If you are using nginx, make sure this appears in the location section:

  add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';

Set up CORS: Swift

If you are using the upload-logs-swift role, it will create containers
with the necessary settings automatically.  However, some of these
settings were only recently added to the role, so if you have a
container which was created before August 1, you will need to make some

Run this script in an environment with openstacksdk installed, and a
valid clouds.yaml:


That will cause the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to be set on
responses which arrive with an Origin header.


You can check whether the settings above are working correctly by
visiting the build page for any build.  Below the summary table, you
should see a header that says "Results" and below that, one or more rows
for the hosts used in the build with some icons and numbers.  If that
shows up, then the log server CORS setup is correct.

Add the generate-zuul-manifest role

Many of the new features require a new manifest file be uploading along
with the logs.  Add the generate-zuul-manifest[1] role to your base post
playbook.  This should run on localhost immediately before the log
upload role.

Once that is in place, you should begin to see "Zuul Manifest" appear
under the "Artifacts" header in the build page.

Remove obsolete static generation roles

If you are using swift for log storage, you may already be using the
htmlify-logs role[2].  This is obsoleted by the inline text log viewer,
so now is a good time to remove it.

Enable build page reporting

Once that is all working, you can update your tenant configuration to

  report-build-page: true

This will cause Zuul to report its internal build page URL rather than
the log url (or the success- or failure-url of the job)[3].

I think that about covers it.  Let me know if you have any questions.


[1] https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul-jobs/log-roles.html#role-generate-zuul-manifest
[2] https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul-jobs/log-roles.html#role-htmlify-logs
[3] https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/admin/tenants.html#attr-tenant.report-build-page

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