Node request priorities

James E. Blair corvus at
Wed Oct 31 16:34:59 UTC 2018

Clark Boylan <cboylan at> writes:

> On Fri, Oct 26, 2018, at 8:43 AM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
>> On 2018-10-26 11:33:30 -0400 (-0400), David Moreau Simard wrote:
>> [...]
>> > I often see things like in this screenshot:
>> > This is at a small scale (two
>> > changes) but we see that the second change has had all it's job
>> > node requests fulfilled while the first one is still waiting for a
>> > node.
>> [...]
>> This can happen if a job fails in pre phase and then has to be
>> requeued.
> I think it usually happens because we tie a queued job directly to a
> node request against a provider. This request can fail or timeout
> against that provider 3 times before moving to the next provider (for
> a total of three providers). This means that if your request is tied
> to a cloud that is slow today or otherwise unhappy that job may have
> to wait longer than its siblings.
> I expect this will happen under the proposed priority redesign as that
> proposal doesn't address what happens when a request times out 3 times
> in a row against a single provider (which takes 15 minutes).
> To fix this I think what we want is a fifo node queue. For example if
> we have 5 requests for ubuntu and 5 requests for centos, as those are
> booted they go into the fifo queue and the highest priority node
> request takes the first valid node(s), then the second takes the next
> node(s) off the queue and so on. Now it doesn't matter if a single
> provider is slow, the highest priority request gets the node first.

Yes, I think that would be a good idea, though it is a significant
change to the algorithm -- and is made more complex by the need for
nodes for the same request to be in the same region.


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