Multi-repo merge

Tobias.Henkel at Tobias.Henkel at
Mon Nov 26 18:26:29 UTC 2018

On 26.11.18, 17:51, "Paul Belanger" <pabelanger at> wrote:

    On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 08:40:56AM -0800, James E. Blair wrote:
    > <Tobias.Henkel at> writes:
    > > I think this feature should be optional and disabled by default.
    > > Unfortunately in Github there is currently no possibility for an app to direct
    > > push onto a protected branch. So at least for github this would be blocked
    > > until this is resolved by Github. There is an open ticket at github for this [1].
    > > It is already open since one and a half year. So we don't know when this will
    > > be available.
    > If we hand over enforcement of branch protection to Zuul, is that an
    > issue?  I.e., turn off branch protection and have Zuul enforce the
    > review requirements, etc, in a pipeline configuration?
    As far my understanding of branch protect and usage, is more to stop
    users of doing something behind zuuls back.  By disabling branch
    protection, it open the option for a user again to do this.
    Currently, I believe users need write access to github repos (in my
    case) because there is no other way to also give the user access to add
    labels to issues (if I am incorrect, I'd love to see the solution).
    > It needs to do that anyway since, of course, if it can push, then it can
    > necessarily override requirements (this is true in GitHub and Gerrit).
    - Paul
Unfortunately the only way to restrict pushing to the branch is branch protection
so if branch protection would be disabled zuul could push but any other user too.
This holds true at least when using branch&pull workflow which is the typical
workflow with Github Enterprise.

- Tobias 

P.S. I forgot to post the link to the github ticket in my earlier mail:

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