Zookeeper ConnectionLoss/SessionExpired issues

Paul Belanger pabelanger at redhat.com
Mon Mar 5 12:56:08 UTC 2018

On Mon, Mar 05, 2018 at 03:05:40AM +0000, Tristan Cacqueray wrote:
> Hello folks,
> Here is a recap of the issues happening when the connection to
> Zookeeper is unstable:
> * Nodepool marks dib build as failed,
> * ConnectionLoss/SessionExpired exceptions happen when the connection
>  drop after the "self._zk.suspended or self._zk.lost" checks,
> * Zuul lost NodeRequest which may lock change in queued state, and
> * Zookeeper needs to be running before starting Zuul or Nodepool,
>  otherwise the daemon stay stuck in limbo.
This last one is a bug IMO, and makes it harder for deployments. Specifically,
in openstack-infra case, if we start zuul / nodepool before we have opened the
firewall to zookeeper, kazoo.client stops trying to connect after a short amount
of time. Once the ports are open / zookeeper started the only way forward is to
manually stop / start zuul / nodepool.  I'd love us to keep supporting this use
case of zookeeper not started before zuul / nodepool so reties here make sense.

Today gearman allows us to operate this way, makesense for zookeeper to support
it too.

I'll defer to corvus / Shrews to other specific items.

> This used to happen frequently in our deployment (running in an
> OpenStack tenant with zookeeper on a dedicated instance). It seems like
> the current connection listener doesn't work properly and the errors
> seems to mostly happen when the connection is actually used.
> There are a couple of patches[0] to leverage Kazoo retry facilities and
> to mitigate above issues by automatically retrying operations until the
> service is available. The nodepool patch adds a uuid to Sequence object
> as suggested by the Zookeeper ErrorHandling documentation[1].
> The last remaining issue is the Zuul ephemeral NodeRequest code that doesn't
> re-create the request if they got deleted when the connection is reset.
> I think those patches improve the overall service reliability and we have
> been using them successfully without issues in software-factory packages.
> Regards,
> -Tristan
> [0]: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:zookeeper-retry
> [1]: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ZOOKEEPER/ErrorHandling

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