Adding an unconditional cleanup job phase

James E. Blair corvus at
Tue Dec 11 15:45:04 UTC 2018

Brendan Jackman <brendan.jackman at> writes:

> On 10/12/2018 22:49, James E. Blair wrote:
>> Brendan Jackman <brendan.jackman at> writes:
>>> One unfortunate hack in my use-case is that we currently lock and
>>> release test resources which are shared with another system. This
>>> is handled by an ansible role that sends API calls to that other
>>> system. This means summarily killing a running job can prevent a
>>> resource from getting unlocked. To get around this I've had to
>>> disable pipeline.dequeue-on-new-patchset.
>> That is unfortunate -- that's probably causing a lot of extra resources
>> to be consumed.
>>> I'd like to add stage where playbooks can be added that still
>>> gets run even if the job gets stopped. My guess is that this is
>>> also useful to other people who are using the static nodepool
>>> driver and would like to unconditionally clean up files left
>>> behind by jobs - does that sound correct? It generally seems that
>>> there would be value in having and unconditional cleanup stage,
>>> anyway.
>> We've also discussed having a cleanup *job* which runs after all other
>> jobs are complete, though I think that adding support for pausing jobs
>> reduced the need for that somewhat (since a job can run, pause, and
>> continue after all other jobs regardless of whether they succeed).  I
>> don't think that directly addresses your use case because it can still
>> be aborted.
>> One downside of this approach is that Zuul can provide no guarantees
>> that the playbook will run, only a best effort.  If the Zuul executor is
>> killed, there's nothing we can do about it.
> Yeah, to be honest I'd resigned myself to the fact that if Zuul
> components get restarted I'm gona have to manually check for
> unreleased locks, and I put them on a 12 hour timeout for that
> reason too. (Luckily there's decent visibility on the locks).
>> Because of that, the most reliable way to deal with resource locks is a
>> lock that doesn't require explicit unlocking.  The way that Zuul locks
>> nodes in Nodepool accounts for this (if Zuul is killed, the locks are
>> automatically released).  Is it possible for you to encode the resources
>> you need as static nodes in Nodepool and add them to your nodeset
>> requests?  Then you would get the benefit of Nodepool's locking.  If
>> not, we have discussed adding support for more resource types to
>> Nodepool; perhaps that would help.
> Yeah it may be worth investigating a smarter locking scheme. For
> context the resources are pieces of specialised HW, and they are
> shared with a Jenkins system where they are arbitrated by the
> Lockable Resources Plugin. Support was added for sharing by
> creating a Jenkins job that when run, locks the requested
> resource then watches a given file until it is deleted, whereupon
> it releases the lock. So the Zuul job acquires the lock by
> triggering the Jenkins job, then releases the resource by
> deleting its own workspace (Jenkins can see the Zuul workspace
> over NFS). Perhaps a smarter scheme would be to have Jenkins
> connect to a TCP endpoint to report that the lock is acquired,
> then release it at soon as it can't communicate with the endpoint
> any more.
> I still think that an unconditional cleanup phase would be useful
> though, even if best-effort, because with dequeue-on-new-patchset
> we are gona end up with a lot of job workspaces to
> garbage-collect (with the best-effort cleanup phase I would
> expect it to be a small enough problem that our infra will change
> before we need to worry about it!).
> Making Zuul properly aware of the resources sounds cleaner but it
> actually brings the unfortunate complication that I want to
> strictly minimise the regions where the resources are locked: I
> don't want jobs to be holding locks while they compile code or
> upload logs, for example.

That all makes sense, thanks.  We should make sure to put the caveats in
the documentation so it doesn't surprise anyone.


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