Question regarding using etcd instead of Zookeeper

James E. Blair corvus at
Thu Apr 19 14:33:26 UTC 2018

Jeremy Stanley <fungi at> writes:

> On 2018-04-19 05:40:54 +0000 (+0000), Tobias.Henkel at wrote:
> [...]
>> Actually I asked the same question a year ago and I think the
>> answer was that at least at the time this was decided zookeeper
>> was better with locks. But Jim probably knows that much better
>> than me.
> [...]
> A major reason was that usable versions of etcd were not actually
> packaged by stable linux distributions when the design choice was
> made. Better to design around something you can use right away
> rather than blocking on someone else's roadmap and release schedule.

I have heard that perhaps etcd is now just as suitable for all of the
tasks as zookeeper -- but that's from an in informal conversation, not a
technical evaluation.

This thread has raised several questions:

* Is etcd capable of supporting all the processes that we currently use
  and plan to use?
* Is it recommended for general use?
* Is it easily installable?

I also agree that due to the fact that behavior and performance are (and
will be even more so) so closely tied to this system, we should only use
one, and not try to support both through an abstraction layer.

If folks are interested in switching, I think in addition to the above
questions, it would be good to investigate the scalability and
performance of the two systems.  Is locking performance equivalent?  Is
one or the other going to perform better once we store the entire
configuration (and per-change deltas), and the pipeline states in it?


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