GitHub OAuth application

Tobias.Henkel at Tobias.Henkel at
Thu Apr 19 05:32:23 UTC 2018

Hi Tristan,

On 19.04.18, 04:59, "Tristan Cacqueray" <tdecacqu at> wrote:

    Hello folks,
    Would it be possible to adapt the GitHub driver to use user's access
    instead of the Zuul unique app key/api token?

    Ideally, users would register on the scheduler and get redirected to
    grant access to their GitHub identity through an OAuth app. Then zuul
    could manage the project's hook. That would be the easiest workflow
    from an user point of view. Though this would require some sort of
    user management.

OAuth is not implemented in the Github driver yet and actually I don't know
how this works. However I keep hearing from Github support folks that
Github Apps is the recommended way to go for when doing new things.
I'm wondering what's the hard part from the user's point of view. When
using Github App authentication the only thing the user needs to do is to
install the zuul app into his org/repo with two clicks. I wonder how OAuth
could make that easier. Am I missing something here?
    Another solution would be to create the access_token out of bound and
    extend the driver configuration to support using multiple tokens to
    be used per projects or oganizations.

Actually I would discourage the access token method for any larger installation.
The reason for this is that you have to configure the webhook for each org/repo
you want to use. Further the zuul user needs administrative rights on the repos
to be able to list protected branches (since Github Enterprise 2.12).
    If this can be implemented without a major rewrite of the driver, that
    sounds like something worthy as it would enable new use cases and it
    may mitigate rate limiting issue for large deployment.

I think the rate limit is per app installation if you use the GitHub App method.

So can you elaborate why the Github App auth method doesn't fit your needs?
In case there's a blocker to use that we maybe find a way to fix that instead
of adding more complexity to zuul with yet another auth mechanism which
even pulls in some user management.
Kind regards

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