--, James E. Blair <jim@acmegating.com>:
Vitaliy Lotorev <lotorev@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to run 'zuul enqueue-ref' to run project in periodic pipeline as
> it's defined in zuul client docs
> https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/reference/client.html#manual-enqueue-examples.
> The project I'm enqueueing runs automatically daily in this pipeline just
> fine.
> Command I run in scheduler environment to manually enqueue:
>   zuul enqueue-ref --tenant <mytenant> --trigger timer --pipeline periodic
> --project <project> --ref refs/for/master

Try "--ref refs/heads/master"

(I'm assuming the project does have a master branch.)
Running with 'refs/heads/master' and just 'master' results into the same behaviour (actually I always was executing with 'refs/heads/master' but mistyped refs/for/master while composing email).

Also, assuming a relatively recent Zuul, you can omit the "--trigger"
With or without '--trigger' option results into same error.
My environment is docker-compose based executor/scheduler/web all updated to fresh v4.3.0. In my environment this error always persisted (I remember it while running Zuul 3.10, 4.0 and now 4.3.0).
While updating to 4.3.0 I've added keystore.password zuul.conf option and 'check' pipeline works fine.


Regards, Vitaliy