Hi all,
my 0.02$ to the discussion:
Although I am currently not an active contributor nor a reviewer a year
ago I started the work on scale-out-scheduler as a part of my day job. This
lead me to introduce the typings in parts of old code and use it in new
code. As zuul is a community project I do believe that it relies not only
on core developers, who are involved over long period of time but should
also be code-friendly to contributors, who want to or are tasked to
one-time, short-period jobs.
While I do like dynamic languages and understand their advantages,
I worked with e.g. with Ruby a decade and half ago and I work with python
in other projects too, I do like more an as-complex-as-necessary and
as-simple- and as-readable-as-possible code base.
IMHO it always depends on a context: A small POC would probably never use
type annotation, a huge code base like zuul should IMHO consider it. I do
agree that typings add a certain degree verbosity (I was an early adopter
of Kotlin - one of the reasons was reduced verbosity, optional type defs)
but they also come with certain benefits - better code navigation,
support when refactoring, IDE support, etc. Also, I do not understand
use of type annotations as an attempt to make python statically typed.
The issues/reasons which lead me to introduce them:
- Ambiguous parameter/argument names
E.g. project, tenant, job, to name a few.
Sometimes a name, sometimes an object, sometimes an Ansible Job,
sometimes a zuul job or build. Makes it hard to navigate in the code.
Since some of those names are too generic it becomes a challenge
when working on the heart of zuul. Probably not so much when dealing
with small changes. Just to be clear I am not talking about cases here
where one may intentionally want to pass an "project" argument which
may be both, a project name and a project object, and the code
can deal with both. Those occasions barely exist here. Usually it is one
or the other.
- NPE, missing property
Setters called right after instantiating an object. Making the argument
basically optional. Since scale-out-scheduler touches a lot of code
I encountered more than once that something which supposed not to be
none was after a bit of refactoring. Just by navigating in the code
was not always easy to see where a certain argument is set. E.g. try
to find usages of attribute job, project, etc and where those are set for
certain object.
You will get every class containing that attribute - basically, reducing it
to a text search result.
This (https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/757149/14/zuul/scheduler.py)
is an example where one can see a simplification of code and reducing
the risk of runtime error where typings were involved.
Tests are great but the theoretical case that someone may set some attribute
to None (a new change or config case) may not be covered (I guess zuul
tests do not cover 100% branches/complexity). While it is not bulletproof
typings do help here.
- Code Navigation
IDE support, usage search, etc.
- API changes and refactoring
Was, and I believe still is, very much needed especially in big tasks
like scale-out-scheduler.
- Code documentation
This goes a bit against the verbosity argument. When the type is
actually documented in the comment section making it in addition prone to
Type systems additionally help me to prevent some errors and make me thing time
to time if my concepts, implementation is correct.
I did make myself as the first guinea pig to test the efforts vs. benefit argument
in zuul and it did serve me the purpose. After more colleagues were
involved in that topic, we had the same discussion and came eventually to
the same result.
I understand there is an effort needed, but I also believe that the benefits outweigh
the cost dramatically, especially in long-term and when considering a need-to usage.
That said, I never thought about a 100% typing through the code base.
For example, some classes, e.g. zuul.cmd.Scheduler may not benefit from typings as much,
classes in zuul.model definitely would, due to their reuse thought-out the code.
For the juniority argument I strongly believe that also experienced developers
may find this beneficial especially in cases described above (one-time, short-term
involvement). Unless there is, of course, an argument against such contributions
(I am not aware of).
Since, typings are now part of python and evolving over the past few versions, it
does not seem to go away any time soon. From what I can see more and more pyhon code uses
them. I do not agree that using typings is a sign of choosing the
wrong language here. There may be use-cases where not using them may be more
beneficial (fast prototyping, etc), and some use-cases where using them will benefit the project.
Also using typings does not prevent loose/dynamic typing (e.g. Union or just not using them
everywhere if it makes sense).
It would be pity not to use the chance of a big change like scale-out-scheduler/zuul 4.x is to
improve the code just to find ourselves few years down the road regretting it.
The trend suggests that having the option of type hinting (while keeping dynamic types)
is the way to go since it kind of offers the benefits of both worlds - other languages
e.g. TypeScript, Kotlin JS, to name a few.
Since, I felt this will be a controversial change (changes always are), I tried to keep
the typings in a separate change in gerrit were ever I could - so you can easily
remove them by abandoning those changes. They served me well and should I get another
task in zuul I would like to find them again also in other parts of the code.
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