On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 8:00 PM James E. Blair <corvus@inaugust.com> wrote:
Åsmund Østvold <asmundo@gmail.com> writes:

> I also just tried moving it into playbooks (playbooks/run_testing.yaml)
> folder in the project.  playbooks/build_project.yaml is coming from a zuul
> config project.
> - job:
>     name: build-and-integration-test
>     parent: base
>     pre-run: playbooks/build_project.yaml
>     run: playbooks/run_testing.yaml
>     required-projects:
>       - zuul/irma-common-jobs
> Then I got error:
> build-and-integration-test build-and-integration-test : ERROR Unable to
> find playbook
> /var/lib/zuul/builds/5568c5e8d9534679ab9a759d5d0ef3d4/untrusted/project_0/review.$$$$$$.net/resoptima/irma.databaseextensions/playbooks/build_project.yaml
> in 3s

Playbooks must be in the same project as the jobs that define them.
It's a little hard to tell since I don't know what project/file that
quoted job stanza is in.

If the build-and-integration-test job is in an untrusted-project named
"repo1" then both playbooks/build_project.yaml and
playbooks/run_testing.yaml need to also be in "repo1".

In other words, the build-and-integration-test job can only run
playbooks in the repo where it is defined.  It inherits from base; base
can run its own pre-run and post-run playbooks.  When
build-and-integration-test runs those pre-run and post-run playbooks
from base, it will look for those playbooks in the repo where base was

Thanks this helped a lot.
I started to have more than 1 trusted project and this did probably cause me a lot of pain. 
