I have a project, that requires compilation for different targets.
Same commands, but each one has to be done separately.
I have seen how OpenStack does it:
so we define dozens of jobs separately even if they differ only by single element.

My idea was to define job compilation, in which it is Ansible playbook that determines which target it should choose, based on job name:
(compilation.yaml - playbook)
- name: Set hardware and technology
hardware: "{{ zuul.job.split('.')[1] }}"
technology: "{{ zuul.job.split('.')[2] }}"

Now in project definition I can have something like this:
- project:
- compilation.x86_64.old:
parent: compilation
- compilation.i686.old:
parent: compilation
- compilation.i686.future:
parent: compilation

But Zuul says, that compiation.x86_64.old is not defined.

In other words: I want to define job inside project definition. This will mean that adding new variant I can only modify only 2 lines.

Is there any reason why it is impossible?

Kind regards,