Are the upstream containers already using python 3.10+?

self-answering that one: yes, it seems to be running on 3.11 ->

On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 12:46 PM Matthieu Huin <> wrote:

We run Zuul and Nodepool in containers based on the UBI8 image [0] for various reasons (dog fooding, compliance, etc). We use python 3.8 with these containers, but could potentially bump to python 3.9 - which is also supported in UBI9. None of these base images have official support for python 3.10+ however, so we will probably be stuck with 3.9 for a while in production, until the next UBI release [1]. Another solution would be for us to move to Fedora-based images or even just use the opendev containers, if we can lower our compliance expectations. Are the upstream containers already using python 3.10+?

I see there are enough significant new features and accompanying syntax introduced in 3.10 that would make maintaining backward compatibility with 3.9 a pain ... what would be a tentative timeline to drop 3.9 support?


[0] build definition in dhall for our Zuul base image:
[1] CentOS Stream will package python 3.11 but seemingly no plans for 3.10 - and 3.11 isn't available for installation yet via rpm on the latest container image.

On Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 8:34 PM Clark Boylan <> wrote:
Hello everyone,

Eventually (hopefully soon), Zuul will add Ansible 7 (Ansible Core 2.14 support). According to the Ansible docs [0] this new version of Ansible drops support for Python 3.8. Currently Zuul is tested on Python 3.8 and 3.11 with the intent of supporting Zuul across Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11. Unfortunately, Ansible's dropping of Python 3.8 support means that Zuul will also need to drop support for Python 3.8 when Ansible 7 support is added to Zuul.

On top of that, Zuul test suite runs in CI are approximately 30 minutes quicker running on python 3.10+ than on older Pythons. Unfortunately, I don't have the best data to illustrate this since we currently only run jobs for 3.8 and 3.11, but the major performance improvements appear to have shown up with 3.10. You can get a sense for this difference comparing the 3.8 runtimes [1] to the 3.11 runtimes [2]. As a developer I selfishly think that this improvement is worth considering, and we might also take this opportunity to drop Python 3.9 support (and testing).

For anyone running on Python 3.8 today now is probably a good time to start looking at updated platforms. Is there anyone out there running Zuul on Python 3.9 today? If you are running Zuul on Python < 3.10 we'd love to hear from you to ensure we understand the potential impact of changes like this.




Matthieu Huin


Senior Software Developer

Red Hat


Matthieu Huin


Senior Software Developer

Red Hat