> All of that is to say - I think the ship of pondering replacing zk with etcd has sailed and there's no real reason to think we might return to it. kazoo recpies help us use zk fully, and that's a good thing. :)
Perhaps it's not such an impossible feat to rewrite the zk.py module with
an etcd backend. Would such a contribution be considered?
I did write that module (trying to keep all zk interaction hidden behind an API of our
own design) with the intent that it would make it easier for us to switch to a different
backend if ZooKeeper didn't work out. However, even though the code may be easier
to write, I think we have to consider all of the problem domain knowledge that we will
lose, and will now have to reset with something else, if we do switch. A lot of that knowledge
shows up in several other areas of code, too (how we deal with locks, lost connections,
refreshing data, etc). I think that's a HUGE negative for us if we were to switch, basically
setting us back months (maybe years), at least on a knowledge front.
David Shrewsbury (Shrews)