What you want to do is not (currently) possible with Zuul
You are not seeing the item being dequeued because you need DEBUG log level [1]
To Highlight what James had answered, "a Tag is not related to a Change":
manager (pipeline) iteration: [2] build_set.merge_state is NEW, scheduleMerge is called [3] 'self.sched.merger.getRepoState' is called instead of 'self.sched.merger.mergeChanges' [4] getRepoState calls job merger:refstate [5] merger:refstate checks that the Tag revision is part of a branch [6] build_set.merge_state is set to COMPLETED and containing_branches is set to item_in_branches (empty)
manager (pipeline) iteration: build_set.merge_state is COMPLETED ... [7] as containing_branches is empty BranchMatcher returns False ... [8] Item is dequeued