
Still a newbie ;-)  

I have a very simple playbook where I want to run a script with a tag argument that just was pushed or let the value be empty:

- hosts: all
    - shell:
       cmd: ./build.sh {{ scm_tag }}

I have tried:

       cmd: ./build.sh {{ zuul.tag }}

This fail with variants of:
The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'dict object' has no attribute 'tag....'

I was hoping to have a value that was empty if the ref-update event was not a tag. What am I doing wrong?
If there exists a public zuul config for a project that I could study I would love to be pointed to it! I have spent some hours reading the OpenStack config but currently it is too complex for me to understand. A pointer to the relevant parts may help.
