
[1] is going to be merged in two weeks from the moment on Jan/28/2025 or around this date.

It removes the field `remove_registry_tag_api_type` and replaces it with the `type` field in the `container_registry_credentials` (see example below) dictionary that allows one to explicitly define the type of the registry used. It also makes it aligned with other roles like `ensure-quay-repo` regarding how registry type is defined. 

    type: 'quay'
    api_token: 'abcd1234'
    type: 'docker'
    username: 'username'
    password: 'password'

By default if the registry type is not given it is guessed from the registry url.

This also improves the usage experience of the role. After we merge [1] it is going to be possible to use this role within a loop in case one would like to publish images to multiple registries. At the moment the condition [2] prevents the variable `remove_registry_tag_api_type` to be redefined on the second and later iterations in a loop.

[1] https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/881524
[2] https://opendev.org/zuul/zuul-jobs/src/branch/master/roles/remove-registry-tag/tasks/main.yaml#L17

Best regards,
Kozhukalov Vladimir